Clamcleat Keeper for C211M2

£4.86 (£5.83 inc UK vat)


8 in stock

SKU: 6-C815 Categories: , ,


C814 & C815 are Keepers. Keepers keep a rope in the cleat, or keep it out of the cleat. When using a cleat fitted with a keeper, the operation and performance are completely transformed. The lead in makes cleating a line easier and gives a positive click as the line is released or cleated. Fits cleats C203 series, C211Mk1, C217MK1, C218MK1, C236. It can also be used with C816 Cage & C818 Tapered Pad.

Weight – 0.01
SKU – 6-C815
Product Type – Deck Equipment > Mooring Equipment > Cleats